Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Well Dries Up..

I finally did make it back into Elizabeth's last week, only to discover that probably 90% of the cracker stuff I left behind last time was already gone.. I say La Vi.. and I hope they've all gone to good homes. Still, I managed to find these gems in the depleted new stock bin..
Wednesday Comics - Various one page stories - DC Comics - 2009

I've always wanted to read these for the fave Kamandi new stories and at $1 each it was too tempting - even when issue 1 (of 12) was not found..
Assorted Warren and independent releases

Can't understand why no-one had picked up the early Eerie's (# 2,3,4,& 100) at $5 a piece as they are fantastic, along with some curios..
Assorted Marvel and independent releases

Always wanted to read the Allred Red Rocket (#1 & 2) and nice to have a better copy of the classic Warlock for the files. Particularly like the Rich Buckler How to Become a Comic Book Artist from 1986.
One further trip in on last Fri pretty much showed the well to be dried up.. as always I await in the shadows (where Only The Shadow Knows)...

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Exotic finds in Erotic Capital

A weekend down in Canberra without Kaspar, and while Madame B was occupied with a conference during the days, left me to some solo wandering around the city while making my way over to the National Portrait Gallery.
Managed to find these at Landspeed Records..

Right Place-Right Time

After the surprising Ghost Rider find at Elizabeth's Newtown in last post I ventured into the city to check if the fates were with me. Sometimes in this game of Acquiring it's all about Right Place-Right Time.. and last Friday was that time..
After securing a handful of new bin finds, including some neat underground items and a Man-Thing appearance in an early Master of KungFu, I headed to the counter just in time to find a pile of comix being priced and bagged. At a casual glance I could see it would be worth looking thru and asked if I could. The lady behind the counter was a bit perplexed at what she should be setting the prices at and thought that $3 was too high for these old items. I could only agree. She then pointed to a large tub filled with even more 'old items' and asked me if I'd like to go thru them and give her an idea of what to price them.
After pulling aside the tub and settling on the ground these are what I came out with to purchase...
Assorted Marvel, DC, Tower, Star Reach
PC, Kitchen Sink, Eclipse, Atlas & Burleyman.
1960's to 2005.
After reassuring the lady that she would have no trouble selling most of the stock I was more than happy when she offered to sell me my selected for $2 each and more than happy when she said $90 for the lot!
What I didn't pull out, including many 60 and 70's Avengers & Daredevils (already had) plus other Marvel 70's and many assorted Kirby 70's DC and earlier DC space adventure titles, I couldn't really afford to buy duplicates of what I already had (but regret not getting those pre-100 Neal Adam Avengers..), and left them for some other fortunate to stumble across.. anyway I plan to be back next week after  a trip to Canberra, to see what has been put out into the bins and what is still left...

Thursday, 8 May 2014

With a Ghost of a chance...

Delving into the Elizabeth Books comix bins on a regular basis can be a thankless task.. weeks, months can go by with only a rare pick up of some character's numbers/appearance to add to my already burgeoning comix pile.. then, with a casual Newtown 'Let's just sees if there's anything come in while I'm passing by' attitude, I come across these beauties...
Marvel Spotlight (7,8,9,10,11) & Ghost Rider (4,6,7,8)
Marvel Comics - 1972-74

While not such a Ghost Rider collector, these early Spotlight and GR issues feature many references to one of my fav Marvel 70's horror creations - The Son of Satan - while also leading up to the introduction of SS in his own series in Spotlight #12. This haul fills in a few missing issues and, hell these are Marvel issues from the early seventies and for $3 each is well worth the delight taken in Ploog, Sutton and Mooney artwork. 
I better check the city store quick to see if any other gems are surfacing....